Importing Catalog Questions?

The CS-Cart manual’s information and explanation about importing catalogs via .csv files is limited. Particularly when it comes to the optional fields and their respective settings.

It doesn’t mention anything about how we set the options for “Reviews” or “Configurable Product” or “Feature Comparison” or “Zero Price Action” or “Tracking Inventory”.

Can you tell me where I can learn more about set these options when we import our .csv file? Thank you for any help you can provide.

Hey Maya,

All of the “optional” fields are just that, optional. In fact, if I remember correctly there are only 2 required fields and I think those were like “product” and “main_category”.

Honestly, getting the import to work properly was for lack of a better word, icky. But, I got it to work because I was not about to hand enter 4K products. Luckily, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had to do an import. Best suggestion I can offer is to set up a test store and play with importing a small number of products. Then, go into those products and set the settings to the values you want for those options you listed like “Configurable”, “zero price action” etc and see what those default values are. Then just create the columns in your csv file and copy/paste the default value you want into the column.

If/when you run into snags post on here and we’ll try to help.


[quote name=‘mayanetwork’]The CS-Cart manual’s information and explanation about importing catalogs via .csv files is limited. Particularly when it comes to the optional fields and their respective settings.

It doesn’t mention anything about how we set the options for “Reviews” or “Configurable Product” or “Feature Comparison” or “Zero Price Action” or “Tracking Inventory”.

Can you tell me where I can learn more about set these options when we import our .csv file? Thank you for any help you can provide.[/QUOTE]

Here is what CS-Cart answered:

[COLOR=“DimGray”]CS-Cart does not import the “Reviews” option from .csv files.

For setting “Tracking Inventory” you should use the “tracking” field in your CSV file. The available values of this field are “D”,“B” and “O”, where

“D” means “do not track”,

“B” - “track without options”,

“O” - “track with options”. Please note, that “track with options” is available only in the case when your product has some options.

For setting “Configurable Product” you should use the “product_type” field in your CSV file. The available values of this field are “C” and “N”, where

“C” means “configurable product”,

“N” - “normal product”.

For setting “Feature Comparison” you should use the “feature_comparison” field in your CSV file. The available values of this field are “Y” and “N”, where

“Y” means “enabled Feature Comparison”,

“N” - “disabled Feature Comparison”.

For setting “Zero Price Actiony” you should use the “zero_price_action” field in your CSV file. The available values of this field are “R”,“P” and “A”, where

“R” means "Do no allow to add the product to cart “,

“P” - “Allow to add the product to cart”,

“A” - “Ask customer to enter the price”.

You can find this information by opening your database for example with phpMyAdmin.

Unfortunately we do not have more detaiLed manual, but feel free to ask us any question.”[/COLOR]