I need to disable add to cart button for one frontstore or vendor


I need to disable/hide add to cart button for:

  1. One frontstore only but only on home page listed products, search result, categories, etc, while on product page to be available because I have one add-on that changed add to cart button to Buy Now button with custom url. I tried on design layout block but I can only find it on home page blocks “hide add to cart”., I don’t know where are the blocks for listed products, search result, categories.

  2. And/or to hide add to cart button for certain categories only for the same home page listed products, search result, categories, etc,

  3. Or better, to hide it for all certain vendor produtcs!

How can I do it ?

First point can be solved with CSS

Extra development work is required for points #2 and 3

Any hints please on how to do it on first point via CSS ?

It depends on the theme you used. Please share the store-front URL