How to use google CDN for jQuery library

I am trying to optimize me site.

and one thing I am trying is to use the google CDN.

I have edited my scripts.override.tpl to include:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
```<br />
and I tried this:<br />
{script src=""}
```<br />
as https and http also without the http:// (my base folder gets added in each case)<br />
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I can't seem to get the library loaded correctly.. when I use the html script tag I get the correct code on the output page, but it is located after all the other {script tags.<br />
So the main jQuery library is loaded after other parts of the library are loaded and after the js/core.js and js/ajax.js files. This is causing many things not to work.<br />
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So can anyone tell me how I can go about forcing this file to load first (I did have it placed in the template before the others ;) and use the google CDN version.