How To Move Category To Left Of Screen?


Been trying to figure out how to put my category menu to the complete left of screen for awhile now, to no avail.

With grid offset at '15' i'm able to push my category to the right-most side of the screen, I need the category to the left-most side of the screen, but with offset set to '0', there is still left a large blank space between edge of screen and category menu.

I've provided screenshots below of both the layout & screenshot of page itself for better understanding,

Site URL:



Been trying to figure out how to put my category menu to the complete left of screen for awhile now, to no avail.

With grid offset at '15' i'm able to push my category to the right-most side of the screen, I need the category to the left-most side of the screen, but with offset set to '0', there is still left a large blank space between edge of screen and category menu.

I've provided screenshots below of both the layout & screenshot of page itself for better understanding,

Site URL:


Add a grid of 4 or 5 and select Left in the Content alignment setting. After that add the necessary block to this grid.

At first, please remove the Offset option from the grid of 3

Hey guys,

Thank's so much for the prompt replies - the help from staff & community has been nothing less then outstanding - very much appreciated!

I did as both the above posts instruct and still haven't got the effect i'm looking for, in which the 'Nootropic Categories' menu is to the complete left-most edge of the screen.

Below i've linked updated screenshots of layout, page, & the 'Nootropic Categories' grid settings.


Any other ideas?

Please check our answer in another your thread