How To Know If An Order Status Changes To Another Status Anytime?

Is there a way to know if the status of any order changes any time? For example there is an addon that changes order status when placing an order by using fn_change_order_status. May I know when a status of order changes to an another order status any time?

What version do you use? We can offer you our Order History module

And our status history addon will do pretty much the same.

Note that not all addons or external integrations use the change_order_status functionality. Some (like webgility) update the database directly and hence that status change would not be visible to these reporting addons.

Thanks to both of you.


additionally you can use default functionality - Administration → Logs

Advanced search: Type/Action = Orders

best regards,

WSA team

Again that won't work for addons like Webgility (or others) that update the order status directly in the DB bypassing all the business logic. I also don't think you can search the logs to get a full status change history by order.

[quote]Again that won’t work for addons like Webgility (or others) that update the order status directly in the DB bypassing all the business logic. I also don’t think you can search the logs to get a full status change history by order. [/quote]

  1. it does not track such add-ons with direct update of database, but good add-ons must always use “fn_change_order_status” for status change.
  2. it is problematic to get status change per one order via Logs, but this is built-in free functionality (no problems with upgrade) :-)

    best regards,

    WSA team

No one can control whether an addon is “good” or “bad”. If you are a provider like webgility, you do things via the DB versus business logic because you can easily map the DB from your application to various CMS systems. So they will never change and you will never be able to track those status changes in cs-cart.

If I want to know what's going on with an order, I want to go to the order details to see everything I need to see. I don't want to then go to a logs page and try to do a variety of searches related to the order_id to pick out the status info that could span many weeks.

We (and others) do inexpensive addons to make a merchant's life easier. To me, $30 for an addon versus me having to go off and do several other steps pays for itself in about a day. And if an addon is “good” (which we believe ours are) then there is rarely (other than at major revision changes V2, V3, V4) any upgrade issues for something as simple as this.