How to get rid of "Reorder this order"

Does anyone know how to get rid of the button “reorder this order”. This appears when customer is able to click on a order and able to duplicate his order…

This has caused me alot of problems with customers.

Spent many hours trying to just get rid of the option. Was hoping I could just delete the button but cant find anywhere.

If anyone can help i would appreicate it.

In the directory skins/YOUR SKIN/customer/views/orders/ edit the file details.tpl. Remove the line that says:

{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=$lang.re_order but_href="`$index_script`?dispatch=orders.reorder&order_id=`$order_info.order_id`"}{include file="buttons/button_popup.tpl" but_text=$lang.print_invoice but_href="`$index_script`?dispatch=orders.print_invoice&order_id=`$order_info.order_id`" width="900" height="600"}

it’s on line 14 in 2.0.8.

I followed your suggestion. Unfortunetly I dont know if it worked as there as another problem i have that when customers go into the “orders” screen they are getting a HTTP 500 error. So not able to see if the “reorder button” is still there.

I think i corrupted my orders.php file.

Thanks again.

I’m sure if you restore from a backup and then apply my change it will work fine.

restored file from an old backup and your idea worked like a charm.

The reorder this order has vanished.

Thanks again.

[quote name=‘mrmem’]restored file from an old backup and your idea worked like a charm.

The reorder this order has vanished.

Thanks again.[/QUOTE]

Excellent, this the answer I was looking for.

Because at the moment if the reorder option appears and the customer clicks on it, it generates another order and it can be confusing if you end up with of the same not knowing whether you should process 1 or both the orders.