How to disable subcategories display?

How to disable subcategories display like on screen:

What piece of code I need to cut?


Show products from subcategories of the selected category, tick or untick the box


I don’t think that is it.

In my experience I had to comment some code from a template.

Works fine for me, 2.0.12

[quote name=‘johnbol1’]Admin/settings/general/

Show products from subcategories of the selected category, tick or untick the box


This option disable products display, but I need disable subcategories display.


I think too, but what peace of code I need to cut?


I have the following crossed out:



{if $subcategories|@count < 6}


    {foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item=“ssubcateg”}

    {if $subcategories|count >= 6}


      {foreach from=$ssubcateg item=category name=“ssubcateg”}

      {if $category.category_id}
    • {$category.category}
    • {/if}


      {if $subcategories|count >= 6}



    {if $subcategories|count < 6}




OOOPs somebody shoot me, not reading properly…



TexasGuy excellent! This is what I want! :slight_smile: Thanks!!! )

TexasGuy, this is what I want! )) Thank you very much! :slight_smile: