How to debug 403 errors that occur only with specific types of checkout


We’re encountering a strange error on the site that only happens when a customer attempts to submit an order using the guest option (no checkout) and using a gift card that covers the entire amount.

When they hit submit, they are shown a 403 error saying:

You don’t have permission to access the page.
Error code: Access denied

If they create an account, then they are able to place the order.

My question is about how I could debug this to track the source of the error. Are there any logs that exist to record source of 403 errors like this?

I did enable DEBUG_MODE AND DEVELOPMENT_MODE using the instructions here Configuring CS-Cart — CS-Cart 4.18.x documentation and can see the debugger sidebar with its various tabs, but nothing there seems to stand out.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Please contact us via Help Desk about this issue.