How To Create My Cs-Cast Website Using Amazon Aws..?

Hi to all.,

I am new to this CS-Cart. i would like to start my shopping website with CS-Cart Technology.

  1. How to add my domain to Amazon (AWS)…?

    2.How to install CS-Cart in AWS…?

    3.Is here any one Using AWS…?

    4.Is AWS is easy to use or Difficult to manage …?

    5.what is S3 in AWS…? use of S3…?

    6.What is EC2 in AWS…?use of ES2…?

    Thank's to every once,

    i would like to start my cs-cart with AWS…so Please Help me …?

    Once again Thanks to CS-Cart team n Moderators .


[quote name='RatsCrew' timestamp='1415217234' post='196160']

Hi to all.,

I am new to this CS-Cart. i would like to start my shopping website with CS-Cart Technology.

  1. How to add my domain to Amazon (AWS)…?

    2.How to install CS-Cart in AWS…?

    3.Is here any one Using AWS…?

    4.Is AWS is easy to use or Difficult to manage …?

    5.what is S3 in AWS…? use of S3…?

    6.What is EC2 in AWS…?use of ES2…?

    Thank's to every once,

    i would like to start my cs-cart with AWS…so Please Help me …?

    Once again Thanks to CS-Cart team n Moderators .


    I have created our cscart store in aws.

    there are different types of infrastructure.

    ec2 is some hardware/os instance… cpu/memory/disk and os (linux, windows)

    you install stuff, and manage performance/scalability

    some of these instances, called AMI's, are setup to be java app servers, or php app servers…

    so they do the 'app' install as part of the process.

    point to the cscart zip file as part of ami setup… connect to web page… voila, at cscart install.

    you probably want database somewhere else

    RDS is a pre-built database server (you could get an EC2 instance, install mysql, … or

    use an RDS instance, already done.

    when you setup, AWS builds a little 'firewall' around your stuff, so that you have your own

    little private cloud… this is called Virtual Private Cloud (vpc). YOU decide who (ip address) is allowed to

    connect to the vpc, to get thru to the machines inside it.

    setup a security group, etc… you can have multiple vpc's as well, and decide what systems are in them and how they connect.

    AWS has one more major system type, elastic beanstalk, this is an EC2 image with scaling rules you define.

    when u get to 75% cpu for x minutes, create another instance of the same size, and put a load balancer in front

    of them… when traffic settles down, turn off some of the extras… so your capacity expands and contracts

    due to customer demand(elastic)… you pay for what you use… not a system sitting there doing nothing…

    be careful with cscart on eb. if the instance needs to be scaled up, or needs to be restarted, that is EXACTLY what you will get.

    the install zip unzipped, and you ware back to zero again… I have yet to fix this… but basically will make a zip of post install

    and use THAT to create my instance, and scale up. another way is to take a system snapshot, and then start by using THAT

    as your AMI starter… this might be easier to deal with changes (new addons, etc) over time.

    the pre-built systems rds, elastic, and ec2 do not have FTP server on them. and do not have shared disk between them

    S3 is the shared storage facility… upload to S3 (aws web page), then curl download to the instance, do whatever with it there.

    (I upload my custom database SQL to S3, then load it on my EB instance, and run it against the database on my RDS instance.

    the vpc has an ip address, and you can register a DNS entry (goDaddy or your favorite) to put to that address.

    Amazon provides a service here too.

    I have found aws resources pretty easy to use… no UI, so you have to use SSH to get to the commandline,

    and vi/nano as text editors.

    note: aws cannot 'change' a config… you ask for 1 processor, and later decide you need 2, then you get a WHOLE new instance

    and the old one is discarded… make sure you have good backups for everything… specially with Elastic Beanstalk, cause all it can do is give u a system as initially setup . you need to change an ssh key… system rebuild… back to zero