How To Create A Cart Promotion Appiled Only On Order Sub-Total?


How can I create a cart promotion that applies a bounce only on the sub-order total; so there will be NO discount promotion on the Shipping or Tax?



How can I create a cart promotion that applies a bounce only on the sub-order total; so there will be NO discount promotion on the Shipping or Tax?



Order discount bonus is applied to the cart subtotal.


Order discount bonus is applied to the cart subtotal.

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for the reply.

We created a discount promotion and we needed the discount to be only on the subtotal (excluding the Shipping and Tax) .. But the buyer also got a discount on the shipping and tax ..

This is a slimier xample:

We give a discount coupon code for 100$ off on the sub-total (the buyer still needs to pay for the shipping + tax)

The subtotal is 60$

The shipping is 10$

The Tax is 1$


Order Total: 71$

So we need the buyer to pay only 10$+1$ (shipping + tax) .. The 60$ is the amount the discount is to be applied on ..

But what we got when we tried that is that the buyer total is 0$ after applying the promotion

Try 'Discount on all products in categories'.

then select all the categories included.

This should discount the products only.

Not sure about the VAT part but the shipping is not affected.

Try 'Discount on all products in categories'.

then select all the categories included.

This should discount the products only.

Not sure about the VAT part but the shipping is not affected.

Thanks a lot for the reply.

Yes this is true ..

But lets say that the buyer added multiple different items (3+ items) .. that makes the promotion be applied on each product separately !

Meaning each item will have 100$ discount separately .. not the total of sub-total ..