How to change text colour in View Cart block


After a few hours looking at CSS I am stuck.

You can see in attached screen shot, I just want to have the text be white on my dark background but change text to black on the white background that comes up when you hover on the View Cart.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction, I am lost in CSS.

This is version 4.0.3




In your Custom CSS (Template builder)

Enter the following:

.empty-cart {

and Save

This does get me white text on my dark background but when you hover over the box the text stays white so it does not show up against the white background. Any ideas on how to get dark text when hovering over the box ? The normal css formatting for hovering over a link does not work, must be some css defined for the box but I only have simple understanding of CSS and am a bit lost. Can anybody help ?

OK, so I added [color=“#666600”].[/color][color=“#000000”]empty[/color][color=“#666600”]-[/color][color=“#000000”]cart [/color][color=“#666600”]{[/color]

[color=“#000000”]color[/color][color=“#666600”]:[/color][color=“#880000”]#ffffff;[/color][color=“#666600”]} and [/color][color=“#666600”].[/color][color=“#000000”]empty[/color][color=“#666600”]-[/color][color=“#000000”]cart:hover [/color][color=“#666600”]{[/color]

[color=“#000000”]color[/color][color=“#666600”]:[/color][color=“#880000”]#000000;[/color][color=“#666600”]} and [color=“#666600”].[/color][color=“#000000”]minicart[/color][color=“#666600”]-title[/color] [color=“#666600”]{[/color]

[color=“#000000”]color[/color][color=“#666600”]:[/color][color=“#880000”]#ffffff;[/color][color=“#666600”]} and [color=“#666600”].[/color][color=“#000000”]minicart-title:hover[/color] [color=“#666600”]{[/color]

[color=“#000000”]color[/color][color=“#666600”]:[/color][color=“#880000”]#000000;[/color][color=“#666600”]}[/color] It sort of works however if you just hover on the box and not the text then the text does not change colour. Maybe this is the best that can be done but if anybody knows how to change the text colour by just hovering on the box then I would really like to know. You can see how it works now on [/color][/color]