How To Add Product Weight In Details Page

Hi, I want to display the product weight under "price in points", anyone know how to do ? Thank you so much !


responsive / templates / addons / my_changes / overrides / blocks / product_templates / default_template.tpl


{if $product.weight > 0}
{__("weight")}: {$product.weight} ({$settings.General.weight_symbol})


{assign var="sku" value="sku_`$obj_id`"} {$smarty.capture.$sku nofilter}
responsive / templates / addons / my_changes / overrides / blocks / product_templates / default_template.tpl


{if $product.weight > 0}
{__("weight")}: {$product.weight} ({$settings.General.weight_symbol})


{assign var="sku" value="sku_`$obj_id`"} {$smarty.capture.$sku nofilter}

Thank you very much ! I don't use my_changes add_ons, so add the codes into this file : themes_repository/responsive/templates/blocks/product_templates/default_template.tpl

But it doesn't work, any ideas ?

Very appreciate !

First install and enable My changes addon.

Then create folder

responsive / templates / addons / my_changes /

if missing

Sorry, I fixed this, the correct file directory is: design/themes/responsive/templates/blocks/product_templates/default_template.tpl

Thank you very much !

Found free addon that does this and more

Very appreciate ! Thanks again !

My problem is that I am not sure of the exact weight of the product. I sometimes sell my old things on sites with b/y goods.