[HOW TO] Add Filter product with drop menu


it’s my first tutoriel, please be indulgent :slight_smile:

Objective : use drop down to show the product filter in category

Warning : this add function only to display filter in category page because i use an smarty capture.

Version : 2.1.2

  1. Put this file in your skins base :


skins/(your skin)/customer/blocks/product_filters_dropdown.tpl


2. Modify structure.php




Add this code


// ajout du menu deroulant 18-11-2010

‘blocks/product_filters_dropdown.tpl’ => array (

‘conditions’ => array (

‘fillings’ => array (‘dynamic’)




at 445 line just after


‘appearances’ => array (

‘blocks/product_filters.tpl’ => array (

‘conditions’ => array (

‘fillings’ => array (‘dynamic’)




3. After create 3 variables in your langage :

dropdown = Drop Down

prev_advanced = Search advanced

reset_more = all results

4. Put this code in your view/categories/view.tpl where you want display filter product




5. Clear cache, delete /var/cache and /var/compiled


Merci beaucoup! One missing language variable I noticed: all_filters