How do I move TITLE TAG before META tag?

How do I move TITLE TAG before META tag? Thanks!

[quote name=‘grabbags’]How do I move TITLE TAG before META tag? Thanks![/QUOTE]

In this case you need to replace the following part of code:


{include file="meta.tpl"}

{if $page_title}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=i name="bkt"}
{if $smarty.foreach.bkt.index==1} - {/if}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first}{$i.title|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last} :: {/if}{/if}


with this one:



{if $page_title}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=i name="bkt"}
{if $smarty.foreach.bkt.index==1} - {/if}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first}{$i.title|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last} :: {/if}{/if}

{include file="meta.tpl"}

in the "skins/[YOU_SKIN]/customer/index.tpl" file.

Thank you!

It is wrong solution, … will be first place, on first place must be

Sorry my english

Really? I didn’t know. What’s others opinion?

It may or may not make any difference to you.

If your server sends a content-type header before sending the page, that content-type will be used. Browsers typically do not override a content-type charset header sent by the server. So if your server sends a content-type charset header, it doesn’t matter where your meta charset tag is – because the one sent by the server rules. Except: if someone saves your page for offline viewing, and then opens it directly from their hard drive, there is no server header sent – so the meta content tag would rule.

If your server does not send a content-type charset header, and if your specified charset is ISO-8859-1, then it still doesn’t matter, because that’s the default that is used when there’s no charset specified.

If your server does not send a content-type charset header, and if your specified charset is something other than ISO-8850-1, and if you use any non-ASCII characters in any of your page titles, then it matters, and your meta tag needs to be before the title tag.

Bottom line: It’s never wrong to put the meta content-type header before the title, but it may be wrong to put it after.