How can I "erase" characters input ?


I want to ask how do I get rid of need for “characters” input under " REVIEWS & SEND to friend" I think this is not necessary here. Please see attached jpeg to better understand what I mean. I put circle around it, what I don`t need.

Thank You for your help:p



Untick " Send to friend form"

JesseLeeStringer I don`t understand. Where should I untick this?

Bear in mind that I want to keep Send to friend and reviews tags but don@t want to have “characters” input. Just write review and click SUBMIT

[quote name=‘JSKY’]JesseLeeStringer I don`t understand. Where should I untick this?

Bear in mind that I want to keep Send to friend and reviews tags but don@t want to have “characters” input. Just write review and click SUBMIT[/quote]

Settings->Image verification

THANK YOU, THANK YOU :stuck_out_tongue:

It worked.

I very appreciate your quick reply with help.
