Hide Product Title In Category View

Is it possible to hide product title when I see the products in Category view?


[quote name='nikoz' timestamp='1402922661' post='185822']

Is it possible to hide product title when I see the products in Category view?


Yes, It is possible, but it requires some templates changes. Please, contact us here and we will help you to do it.

Best wishes,

Cart-Power team.

[quote name='nikoz' timestamp='1402922661' post='185822']

Is it possible to hide product title when I see the products in Category view?


Just create the “design/themes/YOUR_THEME/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/categories/view.post.tpl” file with the following content:

{capture name="mainbox_title"}{/capture}

Clear the cache and make sure that the My changes add-on is activated.

Hi @nikoz,

The simplest solution is to change the wrapper on categories ;)

Please follow the video:

[media]How to hide product title in category view on CS-Cart 4.x - YouTube

I hope that helps,


[color=#808080][size=2]part of hungryweb.net[/size][/color]