Graphic & Text Banners are not displayed in storefront


I am trying to create some graphic and text banners, but in storefront the images are not displayed.

In admin everything goes ok, category linkage etc…

I don;t know if the problem is in image.tpl or original.tpl, from skins/…/customer/addons/banners/blocks/original.tpl

<br />
{** block-description:original **}<br />
{foreach from=$items item="banner" key="key"}<br />
	{if $banner.type == "G" && $banner.main_pair.image_id}<br />
	<div class="ad-container center"><br />
		{if $banner.url != ""}<a href="{$banner.url|fn_url}" {if $ == "B"}target="_blank"{/if}>{/if}<br />
		{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" images=$banner.main_pair object_type="common"}<br />
		{if $banner.url != ""}</a>{/if}<br />
	</div><br />
	{else}<br />
		<div class="wysiwyg-content"><br />
			{$banner.description|unescape}<br />
		</div><br />
	{/if}<br />
{/foreach}<br />

```<br />
<br />
Any ideas?<br />

I have fixed it. It was from image.tpl.

My store shows Text Banners but Graphics Banners do not show, please can you let me know how you fixed this, what were the changes you made to image.tpl? Thanks