Google products feed and secondary currency problem

Hi,I installed plugin for default secondary currency that allow to show default price of products in primary and beside in brackets secondary currency.How ever we got issue with Google.They identified our prices as wrong values and deactivated them.I had to turn plugin off and couple days sorted all to get back on Google.

How to arrange it,that google bot take as relevant only value listed in primary currency ? How to change product template or anything else to avoid to this problem ? Is there way to display both currencies as default ?

If it works okay without the add on enabled then it would probably be best to contact the developer of the add on with your issue. My guess is that Google cannot determine what your pricing is in that if you have more than one currency, then you should have prices (data) showing the different currencies. For example 1.00 USD, 1.00 EUR, 1.00 GBP, etc.