Google Checkout Issue

I have set up a test compeditors item box where the customer can enter the price in a text box where price is option and in text box the description below but and if you put a value in like 1.00 and add to cart everything is fine but if you do not or forget to put a dollar in this box I get or they get this on top of page

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/payments/cc_processors/google_checkout.php on line 68

How can I make this not appear on a zero dollar amount

Wow…three cute girls with the nickname of “Flasher” & knowone has tried to help them, lol! :wink:

There must be a way to set your text field as default to a “Currency” type so that the dollar symbol would automatically be included in the field.

(Sorry, I can’t tell you specifically how or where to make this change, hopefully it will at least give you ideas as to what to look for!)

Hi one is my daughter and the other 2 are my nieces and flasher is because I do adobe flash work for fun but that is funny I did not think of that and I am very proud of these girls as you can tell

I will check this out

Hi Flasher, good thing you have a sense of humor! :wink:

As far as the daughters & nieces go, I can fully relate as I have two daughters that I am quite proud of myself!

The big question is which one is my daughter, now thats what makes it fun

Yeah, that is a tough one to call!

Although, if I had to take a guess, I would say the two nieces most likely were wearing sunglasses at the same time the pic was taken, thus your daughter would have to be the one on the right which is not wearing the shades! :cool: