Get old price from order product if discounted product is in order

Hello devs.
I am working with CS Cart extension. Right now I want to get the product old price in case of discounted product from order object.

In current scenario I am using the code like this:

foreach ($order_info['products'] as $v) {
    $data['data']['order_products'][] = array(
        'product_id' => $v['product_id'],
        'variation_id' => $v['variation_id'] ?? 0,
        'quantity' => $v['amount'],

        'price' => 'Should be old price',
        'discount' => 'Should be discounted price'

Currently in order object it is only returning discounted price not the old price.
I want old price for product.

Please help.


You might want to look for the base_price element of the product’s array.