Frontend went blank after saving settings...

Under the admin menu, I was in Design->Appearance Settings, and merely changed the value of the “Thumbnail width on product list page” value to “100”, and went to the frontend to see the change, and any page I visit is just a blank white page… - anyone have an idea what might’ve happened here?

also - it does not matter what template i use - jsut a blank frontend - the admin area is working fine…

Your server is “out of memory” or exceeded the memory available to it.

comment out the “48mb” from config.local.php like so, but be forewarned that some hosts will kick you off their server due to “abusive cpu usage” (aka “our webhosting sucks and we can’t deal with your website at this price anymore”)

// Set maximum memory limit
@ini_set('memory_limit', '48M');


// Set maximum memory limit
//@ini_set('memory_limit', '48M');

Well, I’ve reverted the setting to 85 for the thumbnail display, and still white blank page.

I’ve also upped the memory limit as instructed to 60, and still blank page…

Also, my server does not seem to be showing anything under errors…

what could this be?

[quote name=‘caseyd’]Well, I’ve reverted the setting to 85 for the thumbnail display, and still white blank page.

I’ve also upped the memory limit as instructed to 60, and still blank page…

Also, my server does not seem to be showing anything under errors…

what could this be?[/quote]

More than likely a php error, or memory issue.

If it “was” working then it’s not after the little change I suggest you contact your webhost for assistance.

Okay - so, I only had 1 single product in my inventory - and when i try to edit that product in the admin area, i am also receiving a blank white page…

so, I deleted the product, (now I have no products), and still no frontend of the store…

and now, when I create a new product, immediately after the initial save, I am also taken to a blank white screen.

Okay guys - I was earlier attempting to add a custom appearance type and had added an entry into /schemas/blocks/specific_settings.php, adn that was what was causing the blank pages- apparently something was wrong with my entry…

that’s another issue entirely…