Force Specific Product To Ship Separately From Others

I recently bought stock of a product that is a very odd size and shape compared to most of the products I sell (books and DVDs).

What I would like to know is: can I set this new product up in such a way that whenever someone orders it, it will be shipped separately from the rest of the products?

So, Joe Bloggs orders 3 books and 1 widget.

At checkout he will see that his order is coming in 2 separate packages, one for the books and one for the widget. And he will pay 2 shipping fees, one for each package.

Fred Bloggs order 1 book and 3 widgets. Same thing: he three widgets will go in one box, and the book will go in another. He will pay 2 shipping fees, one for each package.

Can this be made to work?

Thanks in advance.

I dont use it but Im guesssing the items in a box function could work, so for the other item to ship separately could be forced always to be in 1 box alone with its own shipping cost. Then you could add a promo where the regular shipping gets applied at nil price for those other specific products

I dont use it but Im guesssing the items in a box function could work, so for the other item to ship separately could be forced always to be in 1 box alone with its own shipping cost. Then you could add a promo where the regular shipping gets applied at nil price for those other specific products

I guess that might work. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

Please pay attention to the Suppliers module. Create one supplier for specific product and another one for all other items. Then attach shipping methods to suppliers. As a result, 2 sections with shipping methods will be displayed on the checkout

Please pay attention to the Suppliers module. Create one supplier for specific product and another one for all other items. Then attach shipping methods to suppliers. As a result, 2 sections with shipping methods will be displayed on the checkout

Thanks eCom, but I'm not seeing a "Suppliers Module" in my backend...

Did you check it in the Browse all available add-ons tab?

Ah, thanks for that. I keep forgetting about that tab. I see it now.

Is there a way to add a supplier to all products en-masse, then change only this one to a different supplier? I currently have over 430 products so adding a supplier to each one could be a time-consuming operation.

That tab is stupid. There should be 3 tabs:

1 - installed/active addons

2 - disabled addons

3 - available addons to install

And the lists should NOT be mixed.

Ah, thanks for that. I keep forgetting about that tab. I see it now.

Is there a way to add a supplier to all products en-masse, then change only this one to a different supplier? I currently have over 430 products so adding a supplier to each one could be a time-consuming operation.

You can easily do it with the export/ import functionality

You can easily do it with the export/ import functionality

Awesome! Thanks so much!

You only need to setup the supplier for the one product. You don't have to have all products releated to suppliers. Essentially this was put in place for drop-shipping. So what happens is:

- If product has a supplier, then send an email to the supplier when the product is orders.

+ use the supplier's address as the shipping origin (will calculate differently than non-supplier products).

+ Don't include the product (product packaging) with any other products NOT from that supplier.

- if product doesn't have a supplier, then just do things normally.

Thank you Tony!

Now I need to talk to my shipping person to see if that's how they want to handle this new product.