Flags for Language Seleccion


Is there a way to put the flags for language seleccion side by side instead of the dropdown?

I’ve searched the foruns but all that I found was for v.1.3.5. :?


The content of template /skins/your_skin/customer/common_templates/select_object.tpl replace with

{* $Id: select_object.tpl 7840 2009-08-17 08:44:07Z zeke $ *}

{assign var=“language_text” value=$text|default:$lang.select_descr_lang}

{assign var=“icon_tpl” value=“$images_dir/flags/%s.png”}

{foreach from=$items item=item key=id}

{$item.$key_name|unescape}{if $item.symbol} ({$item.symbol|unescape}){/if}


Backup first!

Thank’s a lot Greg, It worked like a charm! :smiley:

anyone know how to insert flag in currency selection drop down