Feature request: 2FA as sandard?

Good day
Can you please implement in the future 2FA function for all free Authenticators like Microsoft, Google, Dashlane etc. as standard in the CS-Calt Multivendor and not as addon?

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There is already exists a way to use 2FA authorization in the admin panel, by using the Back-End Sign-In via Google add-on. Since Google already offers 2FA, you can simply use it to authorize into your admin panel.

Thank you for this links thats helpfully.

But in the future can you please implement also Microsoft Authenicator for all Users?
Because in my country the most peoples use Microsoft Office 365 and all companies activate 2FA by default so the most peoples use Microsoft Authenticator App for Azure, O365 etc.

or passwor managers like

thank you

You are welcome!

In this case you can use the Social login add-on in order to allow your customers to log in via Google, for example. As it was already mentioned, Google supports 2FA.

If such a solution does not suit your need, I can also recommend you to contact the third party developers, since currently there are not plans for such an integration.