Esi.php error occur

esi.php error occur next:
Undefined variable $parent_grid in /esi.php on line 62
Undefined array key “grid_id” in app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php on line 704
Undefined array key “order” in app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php on line 706

This error occurs repeatedly.
Has anyone solved this problem?


Standard package Store Builder/Multi-Vendor not contain this file. This from external addon?

Best regards

Maybe This is probably included in cscart’s varnish add-on.
I’m not sure. It was in the file at some point.
Thank you


find ./ -name “esi.php”

from console. It seems that this file is the main directory but it would be good to check

Best regards

Yes, this file is the main directory.


Take a look at this file and see if there is any information about who the author is.

Best regards

You should contact Varnish addon developer with this issue

The esi.php is the part of the Marketplace Performance Booster add-on. Does the esi.php file in your installation contain the following code at line 57?

$parent_grid = Grid::getById($block['grid_id'], $lang_code);

Thank you for your reply
56 $block = Block::instance()->getById($block_id, $snapping_id, array(), $lang_code);
58 if (isset($block[‘grid_id’])) {
59 $parent_grid = Grid::getById($block[‘grid_id’], $lang_code);
60 }

Mine is line 59.

It looks like this file is completely different from the one that comes with the Marketplace Performance Booster add-on.

Either you are using third party add-on that also comes with esi.php, or it was replaced / modified.

If our add-on is being used, please replace this file with the one, that comes within the add-on’s archive.

hello. I uploaded the code incorrectly. (I probably edited it)
This file is esi.php, which was initially provided. I don’t know where the add-on archive is.

56 $block = Block::instance()->getById($block_id, $snapping_id, array(), $lang_code);
57 $parent_grid = Grid::getById($block[‘grid_id’], $lang_code);
59 $content = RenderManager::renderBlock($block, $parent_grid, ‘C’, array(
60 ‘esi_enabled’ => false,
61 ‘use_cache’ => false,
62 ‘parse_js’ => false,
63 ));

Have you ever looked into this issue?

Sorry, unfortunately I had not enough time lately to visit the forum.

As I can see, from backtrace, from the error_log entry, is referring to the 62 line, which does not contain any mention of $parent_grid. Could you please check if this issue is still exists and if yes, if the error is still the same?

Hello. Thank you for your reply
There are currently no $parent_grid issues. (Probably the problem disappeared after restoring the file to its original state)
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “default_view”
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “selec_view”
Undefined array key “grid_id”
Undefined array key “order_id”
This problem only occurs.

I’m afraid these error log entries are too general to be examined by description alone. I can only assume that your store’s database contains incorrect data for some blocks.