Email image logo not working for orders

I have an issue. I have set the email logo from the themes menu. The email logo works fine for the profile images, but for some reason, it doesn’t work for the order email.

The image link is the same because both of these email templates use the same header snippet. But for some reason, the profile creation email loads the email in the email client while the order emails (paid, backordered, etc), all the order status emails don’t load in the email client.

This is an example:

This is the profile creation image.

This is the order image.

I took a look at the source and found out two different links. One was loading the image while the other wasn’t. I couldn’t figure out the reason why that was the case because there’s only one email logo setting.

Plus, looking at the preview email function in order email window, it shows the image, but while sending it, it doesn’t.

Does it have something to do with “attaching a document” in the order templates section?

I’ve been looking for days for this fix. Any help is appreciated