editing e-mail contents

Where can I find and edit folloving e-mail contents,

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pcmemo - 2nd and 3rd lines of your post should be located in Admin backend, within language “text_unsubscribe_instructions.”

Haven’t found where your first line comes from, but it is likely found in a template in /skins/yourskin/mail/addons/news_and_emails. Not sure what version you’re using. You can also do a search in languages to find the first line if it exists.

Hope that helps.

[quote name=‘wwgreen’]pcmemo - 2nd and 3rd lines of your post should be located in Admin backend, within language “text_unsubscribe_instructions.”

Haven’t found where your first line comes from, but it is likely found in a template in /skins/yourskin/mail/addons/news_and_emails. Not sure what version you’re using. You can also do a search in languages to find the first line if it exists.

Hope that helps.[/QUOTE]

I solved by your help. Many thanks, wwgreen.