Editing Cancellation Email

Please help.

I can't find anywhere how to edit the text that appears in the cancellation email once a customer has cancelled an order. Any ideas please enlighten me!!

Problem resolved

[quote name=‘TimHills’ timestamp=‘1310471800’ post=‘117011’]

Problem resolved


Would have been nice to post how you solved it too so you can help others searching for the solution to the same issue…like me :P

admin>orders.> orders statuses

edit the cancelled order status


[quote name='johnbol1' timestamp='1355263252' post='150936']

admin>orders.> orders statuses

edit the cancelled order status



Found it thanks Johnbol1

Maybe you can also point me into the right direction with tihs:

I want to edit the subject line of the emails that are sent out to customers. For example, when a customer register on the website it get an email with subject:

NAME OF THE STORE: : New customer profile notificati​on

where of course name of the store shows the actual name of the company…

also how do you edit the text of this email?

ps should I open a new topic?

Try searching for the text you want to change in languages
