Hi Everybody.
Anybody can help how to create or configure drop down select city like drop down select state ?
Only if you want to enter every city into a database table…
[quote name=‘tbirnseth’]Only if you want to enter every city into a database table…[/QUOTE]
No problem to enter every city, but, how can to make drop down menu select city ?
city AAA
city ABB
city ACC
city BBB
city BCC
city BDD
so, if user select STATE B, so, City drop down only can choose :
city BBB
city BCC
city BDD
Can Help me sir ??
Well, this is custom work.
I can tell you how to do it, but to do it requires development skills. If you have them, you can do it. If not, then you’ll have to hire it out.
You’ll need to copy the schema for the cscart_states file to cscart_cities.
You’ll need to add a field for state_code and change state_id to city_id.
You will then need to add a php function that can build the list of cities using the coutnry_code and state_code (see core/fn.locations.php, function fn_get_states() as an example).
You will need to modify the code that sets ‘locations’ in the Registry.
You will then need to modify every template that references ‘$lang.city’ and uses an ‘input’ box to use a ‘select’ and then create a new template that will build the correct selector. This select must use the same ‘onchange’ mechanisms as the ‘country’ select that rebuilds the state selector, so that when a country or state is changed, the city selector is updated via ajax.
It’s probably 6-10 hours of work depending on ones familiarity with cs-cart, the templates, their jQuery (old version) and other cart details.
Of course, then you’d have to build the admin interface that would allow you to build your cities, assigning country codes and state codes for each list.
Can anyone help me, how exactly can I do this? I really need a city-list dropdown. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance
That's very interesting.
I did some experiments according to tbirnseth's usefull thoughts.
The target is to alter city input field to select box dependent to state selection.
But does the locations' functionality about cities wildcards remain the same ?? Because the final target is, on city selection to calculate the shipping cost of an order at checkout step,
So I created a table like this
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `katoikia`.`cscart_cities`;
CREATE TABLE `katoikia`.`cscart_cities` (
`city_id` mediumint( unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`country_code` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
`code` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`state_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`status` char(1) NOT NULL default 'A',
PRIMARY KEY (`city_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `cs` (`country_code`,`code`),
KEY `code` (`code`),
KEY `country_code` (`country_code`)
then I added functions for bulding and seeking cities, almost like every state function at core/fn.locations.php like that:
// Get countries list
function fn_get_countries($lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $only_avail = false, $paginate = false)
$only_avail = ($only_avail == true) ? " WHERE a.status = 'A'" : '';
$limit = '';
$page = empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? 1 : $_REQUEST['page'];
if ($paginate == true) {
$country_count = db_get_field("SELECT count(*) FROM ?:countries");
$limit = fn_paginate($page, $country_count, Registry::get('settings.Appearance.admin_elements_per_page'));
return db_get_array("SELECT a.code, a.code_A3, a.code_N3, a.status, a.region, b.country FROM ?:countries as a LEFT JOIN ?:country_descriptions as b ON b.code = a.code AND b.lang_code = ?s $only_avail ORDER BY b.country $limit", $lang_code);
// Get countries simple list
function fn_get_simple_countries($avail_only = false, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
$avail_cond = ($avail_only == true) ? "WHERE a.status = 'A'" : '';
return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.code, b.country FROM ?:countries as a LEFT JOIN ?:country_descriptions as b ON b.code = a.code AND b.lang_code = ?s $avail_cond ORDER BY b.country", array('code', 'country'), $lang_code);
// Get states list for specific country
function fn_get_states($country = '', $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $paginate = false)
if (empty($country)) {
return '';
$limit = '';
if ($paginate == true) {
$state_count = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:states WHERE country_code = ?s", $country);
$limit = fn_paginate(@$_REQUEST['page'], $state_count, Registry::get('settings.Appearance.admin_elements_per_page'));
return db_get_array("SELECT a.state_id, a.country_code, a.code, a.status, b.state FROM ?:states as a LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions as b ON b.state_id = a.state_id AND b.lang_code = ?s WHERE a.country_code = ?s ORDER BY b.state $limit", $lang_code, $country);
// Get cities list for specific state
function fn_get_cities($state = '', $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $paginate = false)
if (empty($state)) {
return '';
$limit = '';
if ($paginate == true) {
$city_count = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:cities WHERE state_id = ?s", $state);
$limit = fn_paginate(@$_REQUEST['page'], $city_count, Registry::get('settings.Appearance.admin_elements_per_page'));
return db_get_array("SELECT a.city_id, a.country_code, a.code, a.state_id, a.status
FROM ?:cities as a WHERE a.country_code = ?s AND a.state_id = ?s ORDER BY a.code $limit", $country, $state);
// Get states key-value list
function fn_get_simple_states($country = '', $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $paginate = false)
if (empty($country)) {
$country = 'US'; //!!! FIXME: what is the logic should be?
return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.code, b.state FROM ?:states as a LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions as b ON b.state_id = a.state_id AND b.lang_code = ?s WHERE a.country_code = ?s ORDER BY b.state", array('code', 'state'), $lang_code, $country);
// Get cities key-value list
function fn_get_simple_cities($state = '', $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $paginate = false)
if (empty($state)) {
$state = ''; //!!! FIXME: what is the logic should be?
return db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT a.city_id, a.code FROM ?:cities as a WHERE a.state_id = ?s ORDER BY a.code", array('city_id', 'code'), $state);
// Get states list for specific country
function fn_get_all_states($lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $extended = false, $avail_only = true)
$avail_cond = ($avail_only == true) ? " WHERE a.status = 'A' " : '';
if ($extended == true) {
return db_get_array("SELECT a.state_id, a.code, b.state, c.country FROM ?:states as a LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions as b ON b.state_id = a.state_id AND b.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:country_descriptions as c ON c.code = a.country_code AND c.lang_code = ?s $avail_cond ORDER BY a.country_code, b.state", $lang_code, $lang_code);
} else {
return db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT a.country_code, a.code, b.state FROM ?:states as a LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions as b ON b.state_id = a.state_id AND b.lang_code = ?s $avail_cond ORDER BY a.country_code, b.state", array('country_code'), $lang_code);
// Get cities list for specific state
function fn_get_all_cities($lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $extended = false, $avail_only = true)
$avail_cond = ($avail_only == true) ? " WHERE a.status = 'A' " : '';
if ($extended == true) {
return db_get_array("SELECT a.city_id, a.code, a.state_id, b.state, c.country FROM ?:cities as a LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions as b ON b.state_id = a.state_id AND b.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:country_descriptions as c ON c.code = a.country_code AND c.lang_code = ?s ORDER BY a.country_code, b.state", $lang_code, $lang_code);
} else {
return db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT a.country_code, a.state_id, a.city_id, a.code FROM ?:cities as a ORDER BY a.country_code, a.code", array('state_id'), $lang_code);
// Get state name (results are cached)
function fn_get_state_name($state_code, $country_code, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
static $states = array();
if (!isset($states[$country_code][$state_code])) {
$states[$country_code][$state_code] = db_get_field("SELECT ?:state_descriptions.state FROM ?:states LEFT JOIN ?:state_descriptions ON ?:state_descriptions.state_id = ?:states.state_id AND ?:state_descriptions.lang_code = ?s WHERE ?:states.country_code = ?s AND ?:states.code = ?s", $lang_code, $country_code, $state_code);
return $states[$country_code][$state_code];
// Get city name (results are cached)
function fn_get_city_name($state_id, $country_code)
static $cities = array();
if (!isset($cities[$country_code][$state_id])) {
$cities[$country_code][$state_id] = db_get_field("SELECT ?:cities.code FROM ?:cities WHERE ?:cities.country_code = ?s AND ?:cities.state_id = ?s", $country_code, $state_id);
return $cities[$country_code][$state_id];
// Get country name (results are cached)
function fn_get_country_name($country_code, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
static $countries = array();
if (empty($countries[$country_code])) {
$countries[$country_code] = db_get_field("SELECT country FROM ?:country_descriptions WHERE code = ?s AND lang_code = ?s", $country_code, $lang_code);
return $countries[$country_code];
// Get countries name (results are cached)
function fn_get_countries_name($country_codes, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
$countries = db_get_hash_array("SELECT country, code FROM ?:country_descriptions WHERE code IN (?a) AND lang_code = ?s", 'code', $country_codes, $lang_code);
return $countries;
// Get all destinations list
function fn_get_destinations($lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
$destinations = db_get_hash_array("SELECT a.destination_id, a.status, a.localization, b.destination FROM ?:destinations as a LEFT JOIN ?:destination_descriptions as b ON a.destination_id = b.destination_id AND b.lang_code = ?s ORDER BY destination", 'destination_id', $lang_code);
$default = $destinations[1];
array_unshift($destinations, $default);
return $destinations;
// Get destination name
function fn_get_destination_name($destination_id, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
if (!empty($destination_id)) {
return db_get_field("SELECT destination FROM ?:destination_descriptions WHERE destination_id = ?i AND lang_code = ?s", $destination_id, $lang_code);
return false;
// Helper for fn_get_available_destination function
// @$partial - check for partial equality
function fn_check_element($elms, $elm, $partial = false)
if (empty($elm)) {
return false;
$suitable = false;
foreach ($elms as $k => $v) {
if ($partial == true) {
$__tmp = str_replace(array('*', '?', '/'), array('.*', '.', '\/'), $v);
if (preg_match("/^$__tmp\$/iu", $elm)) {
$suitable = true;
} else {
if ($v == $elm) {
$suitable = true;
return $suitable;
// Return most coincedence available destination by the following parameters...
function fn_get_available_destination($location)
$country = !empty($location['country']) ? $location['country'] : '';
$state = !empty($location['state']) ? $location['state'] : '';
$zipcode = !empty($location['zipcode']) ? $location['zipcode'] : '';
$city = !empty($location['city']) ? $location['city'] : '';
$address = !empty($location['address']) ? $location['address'] : '';
if (!empty($country)) {
$state_id = fn_get_state_id($state, $country);
$city_id = fn_get_city_id($city, $state);
$condition = '';
if (AREA == 'C') {
$condition .= fn_get_localizations_condition('localization');
$__dests = db_get_array("SELECT a.* FROM ?:destination_elements as a LEFT JOIN ?:destinations as b ON b.destination_id = a.destination_id WHERE b.status = 'A' AND (b.destination_id = 1 OR (1 ?p))", $condition);
$destinations = array();
foreach ($__dests as $k => $v) {
$destinations[$v['destination_id']][$v['element_type']][] = $v['element'];
$concur_destinations = array();
foreach ($destinations as $dest_id => $elm_types) {
// Significance level. The more significance level means the most amount of coincidences
$significance = 0;
$dest_countries = !empty($elm_types['C']) ? $elm_types['C'] : array();
$dest_states = !empty($elm_types['S']) ? $elm_types['S'] : array();
foreach ($elm_types as $elm_type => $elms) {
// Check country
if ($elm_type == 'C') {
$suitable = fn_check_element($elms, $country);
if ($suitable == false) {
$significance += 1 * (1 / count($elms));
// Check state
if ($elm_type == 'S') {
// if country is in destanation_countries and it haven't got states,
// we suppose that destanation cover all country
if (!in_array($country, $dest_countries) || fn_get_states($country)) {
$suitable = fn_check_element($elms, $state_id);
if ($suitable == false) {
} else {
$suitable = true;
$significance += 2 * (1 / count($elms));
// Check city
if ($elm_type == 'T') {
if (!in_array($state, $dest_states) || fn_get_cities($state)) {
$suitable = fn_check_element($elms, $city_id);
if ($suitable == false) {
} else {
$suitable = true;
$significance += 3 * (1 / count($elms));
// Check zipcode
if ($elm_type == 'Z') {
$suitable = fn_check_element($elms, $zipcode, true);
if ($suitable == false) {
$significance += 4 * (1 / count($elms));
// Check address
if ($elm_type == 'A') {
$suitable = fn_check_element($elms, $address, true);
if ($suitable == false) {
$significance += 5 * (1 / count($elms));
$significance = number_format($significance, 2, '.', '');
if ($suitable == true) {
$concur_destinations[$significance][] = $dest_id;
if (!empty($concur_destinations)) {
ksort($concur_destinations, SORT_NUMERIC);
$concur_destinations = array_pop($concur_destinations);
return reset($concur_destinations);
} else {
return false;
return false;
// Return state ID by it's code and country code
function fn_get_state_id($state = '', $country = '')
static $state_ids;
if (empty($state) || empty($country)) {
return false;
if (empty($state_ids[$country][$state])) {
$state_ids[$country][$state] = db_get_field("SELECT state_id FROM ?:states WHERE code = ?s AND country_code = ?s", $state, $country);
return $state_ids[$country][$state];
function fn_get_city_id($city = '', $state = '')
static $city_ids;
if (empty($city) || empty($state)) {
return false;
if (empty($city_ids[$state][$city])) {
$city_ids[$state][$city] = db_get_field("SELECT city_id FROM ?:cities WHERE city_id = ?s AND state_id = ?s", $city, $state);
return $state_ids[$state][$city];
I also had to insert a line at controllers/customer/checkout.php near //Get countries and states like that:
$view->assign('cities', fn_get_all_cities());
then I had to declare the 2 rows for b_city and s_city at profile_fields table, with field_type='K' (mine declaration) so I can recognize the new city selectbox at active_skin/customer/views/profiles/components/profile_fields.tpl by inserting something like that:
{elseif $field.field_type == “K”} {* City selectbox *}
{* Initializing default cities *}
{assign var="country_code" value=$settings.General.default_country}
{assign var="state_code" value=$value|default:$settings.General.default_state}
{assign var="city_code" value=$value|default:$settings.General.default_city}
{if $cities}
{foreach from=$cities.$state_id item=city}
Unfortunately cities cannot be initialised !!
I think you should manage /js/tygh/core.js file too.
i build my addon. its work same as like states. bu want edit some core files. core.js and some profile scripts.
There is already and add-on created for CS-Cart Russian version called ru_cities, you can get it from there 8) ,
it dosen't have a dropdown for the cities instead they have an autocomplete functionality
There is already and add-on created for CS-Cart Russian version called ru_cities, you can get it from there 8) ,
it dosen't have a dropdown for the cities instead they have an autocomplete functionality
I think, CS-Cart license department will have questions, if you just copy and past this addon to international CS-Cart version
There is already and add-on created for CS-Cart Russian version called ru_cities, you can get it from there 8) ,
it dosen't have a dropdown for the cities instead they have an autocomplete functionality
Hi sorry to use this unhortodox way... @hungryweb you have PVT and Tickets ..pls
i build my addon. its work same as like states. bu want edit some core files. core.js and some profile scripts.
Can help me with this addon ?
There is already and add-on created for CS-Cart Russian version called ru_cities, you can get it from there 8) ,
it dosen't have a dropdown for the cities instead they have an autocomplete functionality
Where is exactly ?! :)
Where is exactly ?! :)
This addon is a part of CS-Cart Russian build
This addon is a part of CS-Cart Russian build
Yes, but where i can download this build?
I still think it's a joke
[attachment=14232:2020-02-26 16_39_52-Tickets __ Can help -.png]
:shock: :-(
no, this is not a joke, and it is not the only nonsense regarding the commercial strategy of this product. I express my point of view, maybe I am wrong.
Right, you should have another license to use addons from russian build
This is very very easy need only one file modification I did it
Hello. Could you provide your solution ?
I have the same problem.
I need to use Address as a text box if any state choosen except Bucharest.
But if bucharest, city must be changed to drop down menu with only six variants (Sector 1,Sector 2… Sector 6).