Display images with manufacturer extended product filter sidebox?

Hi guys,

Currently working on our first CS-Cart site for a client and looking for a way to display images for all the manufacturers present in the site. Haven’t gone as far as debugging the code to work out how the images are accessed, but I’m hoping someone here has done this already!

The manufacturers themselves are set up as variants on product features. Each variant has a name and an associated image in the extras. From that, we have the product filter ‘Manufacturers’ linked back to the product feature.

Have got no problems setting up the brands sidebox using the product filter panel. However, I want to display the images instead of text names of the brands, but don’t know what variable to use in the template to get this.

The name of it is accessible through $r.range_name in /skins/skin/customer/blocks/product_filters.tpl, but how would I access the images?

really interested in this one as well. anyone has any ideas?

sno has an addons to do something similar, you can look at the screenshot in here: [url]http://www.snorocket.com/addons/shop-by-features.html[/url]

I’m looking and can’t see where to set specific variant images for features. Is that in an addon you have?

I think

There is a built in Feature of the CS-cart to add Images for the Features.

Try Extend for the Feature type to add the Images and Description for the Features that you are going to use.


Perochak, the Lover