Hi there,
I am new to CS-Cart and experimenting with it to integrate into one of our systems. I have setup a trial version with XAMPP by following this instructions. How To: Install CS-Cart on XAMPP — CS-Cart 4.18.x documentation
Everything works fine and I wanted to test an edge case, which is, how order process work in following scenario.
I came up with the following script which sends two concurrent requests to the cs-cart API to place 2 orders.
ch := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
go func(ch chan string) {
req := getOrderRequest(...); // send a request to CS-Cart
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
ch <- "error" +err.Error()
ch <- "Status:" +resp.Status
defer resp.Body.Close()
Request payload contains following data,
order := Order {
UserID: userId,
PaymentID: 12,
ShippingID: 1,
Products: map[string]Product {
"1": {
ProductId: 2,
Amount: 3,
As you can see I try to place two order for the same product. In each order requests I place amount as 3.
Then in the store I made the available stock of this product as 5.
Result: The final stock after two orders will be 2 and two orders will be placed with each order containing 3 items in it. ( If I cancel the two orders, stock will be re initialized to 2 + 3 + 3 = 8 ( not 5 ) )
Expected Result: One request should fail as there’s no enough stock as I enabled track inventory from settings
Is there something wrong Im doing here ?
cs-cart version: multivendor_v4.18.2.SP1
xampp version: v3.0.0