Customers can Now Receive Re-Order Reminders

Re-Order Reminders Addon for CS-Cart (4.x)


[color=#666666]Reorder Reminders for CS-Cart allows users to be reminded when it is time to re-order a product. [/color]


[]Users can decide before adding a product to the cart if they would like to be reminded to reorder

]Users are notified of reordering on the anniversary date

[]Admins can determine which products can be reordered and the suggested reorder interval

]Admins can determine how many emails to send to the user at the reorder interval before the reminder expires


[color=#666666]For up-to-date installation and setup notes, visit the FAQ: [/color]http://lab.thesoftwa…rt-ror:MainPage[color=#666666] [/color]



[]Download from repository

]Unzip the zip file in the directory where CS-Cart runs

[]If the zip creates a new directory called tsp-reorder-reminders you will need to run the install script, else you are done

]If tsp-reorder-reminders folder created by zip, Navigate to the folder. Update the $target_loc in the install.php and run. Command: php install.php

[]Open CS-Cart Administration Control Panel

]Navigate to Addons → Manage Addons

[]Find the “The Software People: Re-Order Reminders” addon and click “Install” (If you don't see it make sure “All Stores” is selected at the top of the screen)

]After Install, from the Addons listing click on Settings for “The Software People: Re-Order Reminders”

[]Update The Re-Order Reminder settings



[color=#666666]The Re-Order Reminders module, upon install, adds product global options to the database and adds settings to products. [/color]

[color=#666666]The Products->Global Options that are added include: [/color]


]Remind Me to Re-Order In?


[color=#666666]Each product has settings that can be turned on if the admin wishes to sell a product that requires reorder. [/color]

[color=#666666]The Product Listing → Addon tab includes: [/color]


[]Default Reminder Choice


Creating a Product with Reminders

[color=#666666]In order to create a product that has reminders you will need to perform the following steps: [/color]


]Create the product and save (after save the Addons tab will be available to you.

[]Navigate to the Options tab and add the Global options below to the product by clicking on “Add Global Option” (Apply as Link).


]Add Remind Me to Re-Order In?.

[/list][]Navigate to the Addons tab and scroll to the section “The Software People: Re-Order Reminders”.

]Enter in the default reminder interval for the product (ie Memberships default '1 Year', Products default example '3 Months')

[]Save and close the product

]And thats it! Now you can allow your customers to purchase events.

[]Note: Any variants changed for the Global option Remind Me to Re-Order In? will also show in the product's Addon Default Reminder Choice dropdown


Creating a Cron Job to Send Reminders

[color=#666666]After you have setup reminders on your products you will need to create a cron on your server to run the script. Note you will need to copy your Store Access Key from Settings > Security Settings > Cron Password [/color]

[color=#666666]The cron to run is:[/color]

wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yourstore…rd=YOURCRONPASS

[color=#666666]Recommended run time: [/color]

Every Day at 8:00 Hrs

[color=#666666]Sample Cron:[/color]

0 8 * * * wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yourstore…rd=YOURCRONPASS

Creating Cron Jobs from the Command Line[list]

]List Crons crontab -l

[]Edit Crons crontab -e

]Delete Crons crontab -r



[color=#666666]Thank you for downloading Re-Order Reminder for CS-Cart If you find any issues, please report them in the issue tracker on our website: [/color]http://lab.thesoftwa…cker/cscart-ror[color=#666666] [/color]

[color=#800080]OTHER PRODUCTS FOR CS-CART[/color]



Very good addon - I bought it but never had a chance to install it as of yet.