Custom Order Status Displayed on Emailed Invoice/Order Etc.

Does anyone know how to create a custom order status that changes the emailed Invoice/Order/Credit Memo Title to a custom field.

If you go to Order Statuses

Select “Edit”

See “Invoice/Credit memo”

The options are Default/Invoice/Credit memo/Order

These designations are used for the Order Details and Order # on the emails.

We would like to add two more: RMA and Quote

The attached will depict what needs to be changed on ADMIN and Customer Sides

Thanks for any advice. I am tired of shelling out $$ for all the custom mods.




I believe you would have to either add some custom logic to the existing templates or create new templates and then change the logic for when they are used. I.e.


[if $order_data.status == 'X'}

do the X thing

{elseif $order_data.status == 'Y'}

do the Y thing


Thanks for the response Tony. I played around with statuses.php in controllers/admin and I did see that changes were need in that file but that just triggered an error. There are more areas that need changes as well but I am not sure which ones need fixing. Sounds like it may not be as easy as I hoped.