CS-Cart very slow

I also check my demo site through host-tracker which is a very good place to go.

Brandon, your site is down right now (23:19 -5:00). I don’t know the reason. Here is the result from host-tracker: [URL=“http://host-tracker.com/check_res_ajx/4398988-0/”]http://host-tracker.com/check_res_ajx/4398988-0/[/URL]

Hey Brandon,

Not sure if this is part of your problem, however notice the spelling of your /saltwater directory displayed in the error message when accessing your site.

Thanks for the notice guys. There was some type of network error, but I think it is fixed now.

As for the spelling, it is right. saltwate is my server username and so I guess that is why it is there?

Also I guess I had to clear the cache after fixing the network problem so everything is up and running fine now.

Thanks again,


[quote name='onture' timestamp='1265336498' post='69550']

After the diagnostic, it was mentioned the server could be the cause of the slowness. But I highly doubt it as I have tried it on two dedicated servers with one running dual Xeons/24gb ram/RAID 10 SAS drives. They have mention that the category/products from the csv runs fine on their server…

MySQL cache was mentioned and optimizing/index the database tables. Theses were done already. I have taken it up with the VPS host and they temporarily increased the resource CPU/memory and it was still slow.

I decided to experiment myself and deleted all the products except the categories. When I clicked on the categories it was still slow…

I went into settings/design/blocks and clicked on all pages tab. I deliberately disabled category block and tried to access the website. Behold it was fast! 1-2 seconds. I reactivated the category block and tried again. It was slow… I clicked on edit category block and saw Filing method. I switched that from Emenu to Dynamic.

With the category block activated and Filing method changed to Dynamic. The site was fast 1-2 seconds. I tried Emenu and Plain, but they were slow.

So it seems the category is too much for Emenu to handle?! I have 3600 categories with the maximum subcategory expanded to 4 branches. Keeping in mind there is zero products as I have deleted them already!

For those who experience slowness you can try and set your Filing type to Dynamic in your Design/Blocks/All Pages & Edit Category block.


thanks for this post sorted my problem out