CS-Cart v2.0 BETA 3 Errors

Hi there,

I had loads of problems whilst attempting a BETA 3 install.

My setup is such:

Windows Server 2008 + IIS7

PHP via FastCGI v5.2.6

MySQL v5

Everything was properly set (dir read/write access, CURL).

Problems encountered:

The installation started fine and created the tables.

Then, in between steps: “Installing database” & “Outlook settings”,

the install ran into it’s first of several problems.

An alert popped up saying:

“The specified database already contains CS-Cart tables. If you click on ‘OK’, all data will be erased. Are you sure you want to continue?”

I’ve no idea why this pops up. Clicking yes erases everything, so I click cancel.

Then another popup stating something else. I have to click cancel or it brings me back to the configuration screen.

After clicking cancel for a second time. I see that the “Next >” button is disabled. I re-enable it using Firebug and the installation proceeds to the skin installation. This part works well and all skins/templates install properly.

Then it displays my finished screen. (Click here for storefront … bla bla / Click here for admin)

“Username admin / Password admin”

I click on the admin link and I receive this:


Error occured

Database error: BLOB/TEXT column ‘description’ can’t have a default value (1101)

Invalid query: CREATE TABLE cscart_rev_category_descriptions ( category_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ , lang_code varchar(2) NOT NULL default ‘EN’ , category varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , description text NOT NULL default ‘’ , meta_keywords varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , meta_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , page_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , age_warning_message text NOT NULL default ‘’ , revision mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, revision_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (category_id,lang_code, revision), KEY (revision_id) );


So I submitted the bug report.

So far I’ve seen a few queries that don’t work. Like above, you can’t set a default value for blob/text data types so the query should be:

CREATE TABLE cscart_rev_category_descriptions ( category_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ , lang_code varchar(2) NOT NULL default ‘EN’ , category varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , description text NOT NULL , meta_keywords varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , meta_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , page_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ , age_warning_message text NOT NULL , revision mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, revision_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (category_id,lang_code, revision), KEY (revision_id) );


Also, I cannot login to the admin section as it turns out, no user “admin” was even created in the installation process.

Hope this information helps in your debugging. :slight_smile:


I’ve not tried a Windows/IIS installation, most people here use Linux/Apache.

No worries. Just thought I’d inform you the results of my beta test.

The current stable version installs and runs fine on Windows.

The same problem with installation

CS-Cart 2.0 RC

during install after DB created:


Importing data:

Error occured

Database error: Duplicate entry ‘tags-tags_for_products-O-EN’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ (1062)

Invalid query: INSERT INTO cscart_addon_descriptions (addon, object_id, object_type, description, lang_code) VALUES (‘tags’, ‘tags_for_products’, ‘O’, ‘Tags for products’, ‘EN’)

Backtrace: File: C:\cscart\core\fn.database.php

Line: 245

Function: db_error

File: C:\cscart\install\core\install.php

Line: 484

Function: db_query

File: C:\cscart\install\core\install.php

Line: 128

Function: fn_parse_sql

File: C:\cscart\install\index.php

Line: 37

Function: include

I had trouble similar to this on Windows 2K3 and MySQL V5.x and research this solution.

“my.ini” file in MySQL root find the line below and comment out as shown

Set the SQL mode to strict

turn off for cs-cart


No more errors. No known problems.

I have installed V2.03 on my dev. machine and did not have any problems (no warnings or errors).

Only a thought.

You can also uncomment this line in config.php


// Uncomment this line if you experience problems with mysql5 server (disables strict mode)

//define(‘MYSQL5’, true);
