I am using CS Cart Multivendor and using stripe connect standard for the payments. Customers pay the vendors directly when making orders.
I have been testing the RMA feature, using the lready stripe implements refund:
and I have also tried all 3 options:
- Recalculate order
- Set the new total order manually
- Don’t reculculate order
When testing the options aboe, I have changed the totla order to a different number (via ‘set the new total order manually’ check box) and I have also set the custom shipping method to a different number than the original (via ‘Recalculate Order’ check box).
All of the above different methods even with the numbers set different, hs refunded the customer the product order cost only and I can’t see what changes they make. Does anyone know what does the 3 check boxes do differently to each other (via 2nd screenshot)?
And I assume that the RMA add-on also does not let you refund the shipping cost and tax payment unless customising the add-on?
Thanks in advance