CS-Cart Helpdesk site?

Anyone having a problem getting to the helpdesk? I keep getting “504 Gateway Time-out”. If I type the url directly it goes to a list of search results.

They changed something on my pages & now none of my sideboxes show on my product pages.

I swear I am ready to toss this cart out the window, especially with support charging $45/mo for help. I think they should give at least 6 months of support with the initial purchase of the cart.

Stepping down from my soapbox now.

I don’t have any problems accessing the helpdesk site, as far as your cart, what is it that you asked them to change? $45 is nothing when it comes to e-commerce…

I can access it now. :roll:

$45 a month is alot to me & I’m sure many others. They should at least extend the initial support that comes with the initial purchase, and/or offer support on a per-ticket basis.

I sent a ticket regarding the SEO no longer working & keeping my pages from being accessed. I had to turn it off just so my pages can be accessed by my visitors. But the SEO was one of my main reasons for choosing CS-Cart. This is not something I can fix on my own & I wasn’t able to find a solution in the forum.