- Do you have any news about release of CS-Cart 5 (CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Enterprise)?
here was mentioned: “We are planning to release Enterprise in the second half of 2022”
CS-Cart 5 (CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Enterprise) FAQ and Comparison with CS-Cart 4 | eCommerce Blog on Running an Online Marketplace - What will happen with actual cs cart will it stop at a moment in future and it will be taken by CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Enterprise?
- Do they follow separated roads or their roads will meet up at a moment?
- If they move different roads what are their common elements?
- Can we migrate data from one to another?
- If we have a license for cs cart multivendor can we use that and upgrade to CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Enterprise
7.Do you intend to use them in parallel for undefined time? Or do you have a time in mind when you want to stop actual ones and continue with CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Enterprise