Cpc Charges For Visits By Bots

I am being charged a click for-Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)

Is this a visit by a prospective customer or a crawl by a robot? Should I be paying for a bot visit?
Thank you

You only get cpc charges when they come from a search page. Hence, someone is trolling the search provider and clicking your PPC entries. It has nothing to do with cs-cart itself.

Suggest you report it to Google.

depends, are you sure it has come via a cpc link, where is the aclk url to show its an ad click.

Just looks like a normal bot visit to me

This must be coming from a cpc link because it is one of 11 reported on my statistics that day and I am being charged for 11 clicks by Google for that day.

Please enlighten me- what is an aclk url.

I want to report it to google but I would like to be certain that i know what I am looking for.


Google adwords should only charge you for one click. In Adwords/Campaign Management, click [Columns] and add "Invalid Clicks" to see them. https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/42995?hl=en

You can prevent google from showing ads to particular IP addresses in Campaign Settings / IP Exclusions. But realize that sometimes a legitimate shopper may click on your ads more than once.

If you use a service like Statcounter, you can see how long someone (an ip) spent on the site and track what they did.

have a quick read here
