Yesterday I updated to the latest version of cs-cart 4.18.2 sp1.
I need to install consent mode v2 but I can’t understand what I need to do.
After the upgrade I found a new simtech google analytics enhanced ecommerce. Do I need to install it? Do I need to buy a new analytics extension maybe? My current gdpr compilance (eu) is in 1.0 version.
Thank you
If the GDPR Compliance (EU) and the Google Analytics: add-ons are installed and enabled, then Google Consent Mode v2 should be enabled and working.
Is there a default Goole analytics extension that is already installed in Cs-cart or do I need to buy one?
in the account number in the extension do I place the measurement id that starts with G-…?
Yep, its called MEASUREMENT ID and starts with G-