Common product needs to mature

Common products for vendors is really a nice feature in multivendor. However, it seems like it has never gotten a significant update in ages.
Admin creates the common product and adds all the features including images. Product is ready for vendor to type in their price then go.

  1. Why then does the product still need to be sent for moderation?
  2. Why are vendors still able to edit the image alternative text?
    I imagine adding some useful features for vendors to see such as:
    Average listed price for this product by other vendors. This would give the new vendor an idea of competition so they could adjust their price competitively.
    It looks like Cs-cart is stagnant as the devs are not innovating.


  1. The vendor’s offer still require moderation, since owner still may want to review price, status, etc.
  2. This looks like a bug. I’ve passed all the info to the developers. As a workaround, you can apply the attached .diff.
    96049056c9b305b8caa8eec09abb529c6cdde4a5.diff (874 Bytes)
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The previously submitted fix has been accepted by the developers and these changes will be included in version 4.18.2.

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