Checkout Little Problem With Shipping And Products Selector

Hello everyone, as the days go we are facing some problems at the checkout page of cs cart MV

############## Problem 1 ################

We have vendor One, Two And Three

Client wants 3 products from 3 different vendors.

vendor One and vendor Two have created shipping service .

vendor three has only products but somehow the shipping is not working for this vendor.

at the checkout page client can't continue with the purchase of those 2 other products because vendor "three" has no shipping costs.

is there a solution to this, is just me or it is the way cs cart works.

############## Problem 2 ################

lets go to " checkout cart page"...

lets assume i'm the client and i have on my cart 7 products from different vendors.

i want to purchase one product or two products, how can i select to pay only for the products i want to pay.

and for 9999 reasons i don't want to delete all the other products from my cart to continue with my purchase .

is this possible, or this is already there and i don't see this function.



I am afraid, code modification is required for both points

I am afraid, code modification is required for both points

firstly hi there.

i was afraid to ask to, because i would get that answer .

in which hell are the cs cart developers so we can get them to fix this.

well you have the ide to make the addon , i'm sure you will have some sales.

i'm a potential buyer in this addon but only if cs cart developers fail to do that in some amount of time.

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