Change The Cm-Confirm Warning Text

I am using the microformat 'cm-confirm' to ask for confirmation when the user "closes" a product. But I also want to use it for when he "pauses" it and "resumes" it. The default text for the later 2 is fine, however closing the product is a permanent action so I would like to change the text to make it more noticeable.

I was searching through other templates and I found that some do change this message by sending the data parameter with a different text like this:

  • {btn type="list" class="cm-confirm" data=["data-ca-confirm-text" => "{__("category_deletion_side_effects")}"] text=__("delete") href="ebay.delete_template?template_id=`$template.template_id`" method="POST"}
  • However I can't seem to send it properly:
     "{__("close_product_warning")}"]{/if} {if $status == $st}active{else}cm-ajax cm-post{if $ajax_full_render} cm-ajax-full-render{/if}{/if} href="{"`$_update_controller`.update_status?id=`$id`&status=`$st``$extra_params``$dynamic_object`"|fn_url}" onclick="return fn_check_object_status(this, '{$st|lower}', '{if $statuses}{$statuses[$st].params.color|default:''}{/if}');" data-ca-event="ce.update_object_status_callback">{$val}

    I believe the data argument might have to be enclosed in braces for smarty to parse but that just gives me an error.

    Any help would be greatly appreciate it.

    Try to use


    Thank you so much! This worked perfectly. It seems I had also deleted a quotations mark by mistake.

    We are glad to hear that!