Change text color

Trying to change texts on this page or all pages like it.


The text that is very dark like

“Colored pucks available in soft plastic designed to grind away for best frame and engine protection. Aluminum and Chrome (chromed aluminum) pucks combine… More

It’s like a dark gray I want it white… What file and where do I change that…

You have to change the css file in:


.product-descr {




padding:7px 0 2px;



I don’t have “.product-descr {” in my file, i tried adding it but did not change the text. I can see it uses product-descr when looking at the site code but it’s not in the css file…

[quote name=‘vortech’]I don’t have “.product-descr {” in my file, i tried adding it but did not change the text. I can see it uses product-descr when looking at the site code but it’s not in the css file…[/quote]

Then switch to the design mode, finde the file which includes the table and add a class to the “td” or “p” tag like:


or add inside the td a new "div" tag

(you have to close the div at the end of the decription)

I am so lost… :frowning: You would think something this simple would be easier… lol

line 1418 of your style.css should be:

.product-descr {




padding:7px 0 2px;


As Indy stated, you need to change the color parameter. Try something like #C3C3C3.

that worked, odd find in firefox could not find it but you had the line number dead on. :slight_smile: