On Multipvendor, when a customer places an order and revieves the ‘Order has been processed’ email, the reply-to email address displays the vendors email address.
Is there a way to change this email address to default to something else or hide it? I would like to encourage users to message each other through the website message app for security/safety reasons. Similarly, I also want to check if the same can be applied to vendors recieving emails from customers.
I have followed the below steps but this has not worked:
Thanks for the reply. Yes, that box is checked. The email comes from the marketplace email address, but in gmail, it will show seperately a differnet reply-to email via the below example:
Surely you can do it. However, I’m afraid I can’t give you any instructions in this case.
If you have an active Plus/Ultimate Customer Care subscription, you’re welcome to contact us via the Help Desk and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary changes.
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