Change customer to admin

I am not able to find if it’s possible or not in cs-cart 4.18.2

One of our customer will start working with us, and he will need to access backoffice. Is it possible to change a customer account into an admin account ?

Hi Pascal, I don’t think there’s an easy option for this, so best case scenario would be to add them as administrators. CS Cart admin > Customers > Administrators > On the right side click on the + button > Add user.

Thanks for answer. But it does not work as e-mail is already in use :confused:

On previous cs-cart version (4.10 for example), it has a dropmenu to select type of account. But now it seems it’s gone.

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The only solution would be either to add them as admin with a diferent email adress or delete their customer account and then add them as admins.

Also you can try to change the user_type value in the cscart_users table in the DB

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Yes, this is the easier way.
Available user_types:

  • C - Customer
  • A - Admin
  • V - Vendor Admin