Category Promotion - not working properly.. is this an old bug?

I'm trying to create a promotion - buy 3 products from a particular category and you get discount on them. However, no matter which way I configure the promotion it seems to give discount on the correct products but it doesn't matter if 1 or more of the 3 products is from a different category??

I set it up with:

Coupon Code: XXXX

Products : in: (p=products to be discounted)

Total products in the cart: in: 3

and the appropriate bonus discount…

I also tried using categories instead of products - and also added another condition:

Categories NOT IN: (with a list of all other categories)…

I've found old posts on the forums (years old) with similar problems which were reported as bugs…

Is there any way around this…??

My original brief was to create a 3 for 2 offer (buy 3 products from one specific category and get the lowest priced item free) – but there seemed to be no way of configuring that - which is why I moved onto a slightly simpler version… (buy 3 items from one specific category and get 1/3 of each of them)…

any help gratefully received…

I'm using 2.1.4 CSCart