Dear friends, we've released Staff Notes add-on!
The Staff Notes add-on allows you to make small notes in the admin panel on product, category, user, order and store content pages.
The Staff Notes add-on helps solve the problem of storing and retrieving information related to the main objects of the store - products, categories, orders, content pages and user profiles.
Just create a note in the sidebar on the chosen page and the necessary information will always be at hand. This could be the delivery date of a certain product, order specifics, additional information about the client, or other points that should be visible and easy to access.
What are the Features of this Add-on?
Customizable Look and Feel
You determine where and how the blocks with notes will be placed:
Maximum Informative
The note displays the date and time it was created/last modified, the administrator’s name (with a link to his profile) and the text of the note itself:
Notes About the Customer are Displayed in his Orders
One very simple but useful feature will allow you to display notes made in the customer profile on his orders pages:
Ability to Export/ Import Staff Notes
Standard export and import of notes:
Administrator Privileges
Manage the availability of the add-on functions for other administrators
and vendors:
Learn more in add-on documentation.
Need modifications or any assistance? Please, feel free to contact us via HelpDesk system.
6 months of the free upgrade period included.
CS-Cart versions 4.14.x - 4.17.x
Works correctly with the popular themes YOUPI and UniTheme
Buy Staff Notes add-on now
Best regards,