Cart-Power Add-On: Product Shipping Cost (Shipping Estimate)

Dear friends,

We would like to introduce you the Product shipping cost add-on.

Product shipping cost add-on shows available delivery methods, estimated time of shipping and pricing at product's detailed page. Functionality of the add-on also allows configuring position of displayed info and number of shown options. The info can be loaded on opening a page or after clicking the corresponding button (useful for heavily loaded stores, where calculations of prices take a lot of time).


  • Displays delivery methods, time, and pricing for a product on its page or in tabs.
  • Configurable number of shown delivery methods.
  • Ability to select shipping city.
  • Shows delivery methods icons in a pop-up menu.
  • Auto-loading of methods at apage or on clicking a corresponding button.

Position right:

Position left:

In product tabs:

Delivery menu:

Available delivery methods:

Add-on settings:


  • CS-Cart version 4.3.x - 4.11.x
  • Multivendor version 4.3.x - 4.11.x

Official product page here.

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Let us know if you have any additional questions.