Card Payments Will Stop Working On Oct 15Th

I agree totally that this was Paypal’s communication failure. They didnt send us one single email about this issue despite us being a large scale user and based in the UK.
It is completely understandable that CS Cart were not aware of this, as Paypal didnt inform anyone!

However, I still have a criticism of CS Cart. Although they worked to implement this very quickly, and got it done before the cut-off date we were, and still are, not allowed to have it! I have contacted CS Cart support about this and despite being the person who raised this whole issue in the first place, we are not on the list of eligibility for 4.14.2 for some reason, so its not appearing in our upgrade center.

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That’s strange. I’m being told that CS-Cart 4.15.2 should be available to everyone now. The only other reason I know why the upgrade might not appear is the expiration of upgrade subscription.

Before you check that, could you send me a screenshot from your Upgrade center? The right sidebar should have the information what version is available to you.

P.S. Here’s an example of what it looks like (and please don’t mind the yet-unreleased 4.16.1, it’s just the one I used as an example):

Is it because I have not yet installed the available version?

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Yes, that explains it. The upgrades follow each other. So when you upgrade to 4.13.1, you should see the upgrade to 4.13.1.SP1, then the upgrade to 4.13.1.SP2, then to 4.13.2, and so on.

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Thanks for the feedback. So, if I understand this correctly. USA users of PayPal PayFlow Pro will be unaffected by the new changes and need not worry about this topic. PayPal Payflow Pro will remain in the CSC installation?

I dont seem to be able to find any documentation on the Paypal SDK support. I need to find out if it supports multi-currency, which we need.
At the present time our Paypal Pro and Express uses multi-currency support add-ons from Webgraphiq